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Refund Policy

Return and Refund Policy

Last updated: May 03, 2024


Thank you for choosing ClassEDefined, a service provided by ListenLindaPresents1 and YoungSavedLeaders. We strive to provide exceptional digital services and consultations to our customers. Please review our policy on cancellations, returns, and refunds.


All Sales Are Final: We want to ensure that you are satisfied with your purchase and the services we offer. Therefore, please note that all sales are final, and all digital services provided by ClassEDefined are non-refundable and non-transferable.


Cancellation Policy: If you need to cancel a consultation, please notify us at least 72 hours in advance. Please note that all consultation deposits made are non-refundable.


Your Order Cancellation Rights: As a customer of ClassEDefined, you do not have the right to cancel your order for digital services after the service has been provided. However, if you need to cancel your order before the service is provided, please contact us at


Conditions for Returns: Since our services are digital and personalized, we do not accept returns or provide refunds for completed services. Once the service has been provided, it is considered fulfilled and non-refundable.


Contact Us: If you have any questions or concerns about our cancellation and refund policy, please feel free to contact us at We are here to assist you and provide further clarification.


Thank you for choosing ClassEDefined. We appreciate your understanding and support of our policies.