Author/Speaker/Radio-Tv Host of Listen Linda/Digital Content Creator
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Be Inspired... God Is Awesome

Jacquiline "Listen Linda" Cox
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Our Services

I offer comprehensive Brand Strategies and Design Services, tailored to meet the unique needs of your business.


Brand Strategy

Our Brand Strategy service is designed to help your business stand out. We create unique, effective strategies that align with your book, business or brand's goals.


Design Services

Our Design Services are all about bringing your brand to life. We create visually stunning designs that resonate with your target audience.


Brand Consultation

Our Brand Consultation service is all about understanding your brand. We dive deep into your brand's identity to create strategies that work.


Voices of Satisfied Clients.


4.9 Review from our book reader

I am amazed at the level of creativity & vision Jacquiline has when it comes to developing products for her customers. The videos and graphics that she designed for me were all at a level of excellence I'd not witnessed before. I'm grateful to have connected with her, and excited to witness the work she carefully crafts for her customers.

Dr Velma Bagby
Dr Velma Bagby

International Best Selling Author, International Speaker and Entreprenuer

Jacquiline has the best production I have ever seen. Her turn around time is unmatched in all projects she takes on. With her book trailers, she is careful when crafting to make it go perfectly with your book. Her level of expertise is top tier. I highly recommend her, she is truly a one stop shop!

Carolyn Coleman
Carolyn Coleman

Podcast Host

Jacquiline's expertise in branding and marketing helped me take my business to the next level. Highly recommend her coaching services!

Emily C.
Emily C.

I dont give out starts lightheartedly. As I read Jacquilines words, I could feel all of her fear, anger and determination. She allowed me to live in her world so that I can understand why she is who she is today. Five stars!

Dr AudreyAnn Moses
Dr AudreyAnn Moses

ARC Reader for Mountains Cant Rise Without Earthquakes


I am extremely dedicated to empowering individuals from all walks of life through inspirational writing, impactful speaking engagements, and dynamic digital content creation. With a passion for fostering encouragement and resilience, I aim to uplift and inspire diverse audiences worldwide. Through my platform, I continue strive to make a positive impact, leveraging my expertise as an author, speaker, and host of the Listen Linda! podcast. My commitment extends beyond words, as I actively support causes such as autism awareness and lupus advocacy. Join me on my journey to ignite positive change and empower others to reach their full potential.